This is a guide on how to release a new version of this project. Remember that when considering the version number to use, that this project follows Semantic Versioning, so bump the version number accordingly.

Prior to tagging a release, ensure the following have been updated:

  • The needs to be up-to-date. In addition, the Unreleased section needs to be updated with the version being released. Also update the Unreleased link at the bottom with the new version number.
  • The bin/moodle-plugin-ci also needs to be updated accordingly, setting the MOODLE_PLUGIN_CI_VERSION constant to the version being released.
  • If this is a new major version, then CI tool example files and its docs need to be updated to use the new major version (e.g. for GitHub Actions CI make changes in gha.dist.yml and docs/ Any other version will automatically be used.

When all the changes above have been performed, push them straight upstream to main or create a standard PR to get them reviewed and incorporated upstream. In the latter case, use your repo clone for PR - this way Packagist will not capture new branch in the list of tags and you will not end up having double CI build on Travis, also when merging PR, please avoid merge commit (use “Rebase and merge” option).

Once all code and commits are in place and verified, you need to tag a release. Tag main branch HEAD and push using commands:

$ git tag -a 4.0.8 -m "Release version 4.0.8"
$ git push origin 4.0.8

(while it’s also possible to use GitHub interface, we have decided not to do so, GitHub release action will, automatically, create the needed artifacts and perform the release)

When the tag is pushed, GitHub release action will be triggered. At this stage it should automatically create the moodle-plugin-ci.phar release artifact and add it to the latest release “assets” on GitHub. Verify it has worked correctly by navigating at Releases.

While in that page, optionally, you can edit the release and add any content to the description (links to the changelog / upgrade docs are added automatically but anything important can be commented if needed to).

If there is any problem with that automatic deployment, the artifact will need to be created manually. First build PHAR file manually:

$ make build

Once the above command succeeds, navigate to latest release in GitHub interface, click “Edit” and attach generated PHAR file to release (you will find it at ./build subdir).