This document outlines the steps one should take when upgrading to the new major version.

Step 1: Review the new requirements

Requirements have changed, this project now requires PHP 5.6 or later and Moodle 3.2 or later.

Step 2: Review the change log

Detailed information about what changed in Version 2 can be found in the change log.

Step 3: Review the Travis CI configuration file

Review the updated .travis.dist.yml and update your .travis.yml file in your plugin. For detailed information about the contents of .travis.dist.yml file, please see this help document. Please carefully review the updated .travis.dist.yml as some steps have been removed and others added, like installation of Java 8, upgrade of NodeJS, etc.


What is happening to Version 1?

Version 1 still exists as its last release 1.5.8. You can continue to use it, but it is no longer getting new features and may not receive additional updates. In addition, it may start breaking in Moodle 3.2 or later.

Why Version 2?

Due to changes in developer tools in Moodle 3.2. Moodle is using Grunt now for linting and building assets. To keep efficient build times and a maintainable tool, this project decided to drop support for the old tools and add support for the new tools all in one step.

Can I run Version 1 and 2?

If your plugin uses a single Git branch, but still works on Moodle versions older than 3.2, then you might be wanting to try to use both versions in a single .travis.yml file. First, this is not recommended due to its complexity. The preferred method is to use separate branches so your .travis.yml file is only using one version or another. If that is not desirable, then one could go about it by using environment variables. First, be sure that you update your .travis.yml file as explained above. Then a rough and untested example might be:

# WARNING - this is only a partial example, several steps were excluded to keep it simple! 

  # Define a V2 flag to conditionally run commands.

  # You must install the correct version of this project:
  - if [ "$V2" = false ]; then composer create-project -n --no-dev --prefer-dist moodlehq/moodle-plugin-ci ci ^1; fi
  - if [ "$V2" = true ]; then composer create-project -n --no-dev --prefer-dist moodlehq/moodle-plugin-ci ci ^2; fi

  # Example of a Version 2 only command:
  - if [ "$V2" = true ]; then moodle-plugin-ci mustache; fi
  # Example of a Version 1 only command:
  - if [ "$V2" = false ]; then moodle-plugin-ci csslint; fi

  # And of course some exist in both versions, so just call it normally:  
  - moodle-plugin-ci phpunit